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Hi Mommies! Does your little one experience an upset stomach quite frequently? It might not be easy to stay calm in such a situation. That's why we have come up with Mother Sparsh Gripe Water, a natural solution created with the effectiveness of Indian herbs like saunf, pudina & ajwain. Prepared without compromising on baby safe ingredients - India’s first gripe water for babies without sodium bicarbonate and other harmful additives.

Now, your little one can say no to persistent tummy (gas & colic), teething and hiccup discomfort with a natural Gripe Water safe for their consumption.

Relieves gastric discomfort

Made with Saunf and Pudina

Maintains healthy gut health

No harmful additives

Formulated with Indian Ingredients

A traditional formula infused with saunf, pudina, ajwain & sowa aiding in relieving colic, gas, hiccups and teething discomfort.

With No Harmful Add-ons

Free from sodium bicarbonate, alcohol, sugar, artificial flavors and colors ensuring safe formulation for your baby.

Prolonged colic symptoms can hinder healthy growth of the baby.

For relieving colic and promoting a healthy gut, Gripe Water has been used as a trusted age-old natural remedy.

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